A hobby turned business

A hobby turned business

Posted by Sheree Palmer on

I cleared up my office today and came across my original designs in the making 🥰


You can even see pen marks to change the tab shape and I played around with what felt like 100’s of variations!!

I am so proud of what I have designed, something I planned to just use with my boys. A passion to leave the world a better place for our children’s children’s, that turned into a business.

Those who do not know my story can check it out here.

Business is hard though, really hard. I am still yet to pay off the family loan or turn a profit, but who cares when you are doing something you’re so passionate about….right?

It seems to be a common impression that if you have a business you must have heaps of money. It could not be farther from the truth for us, and others I am sure, especially in the early days. We still live off one wage in this house (my husbands), we have to budget every spend so I can still keep working on the business.

I’m also a mum of two (very) busy toddlers, I only have 2 days a week to work on the business child free and even on those days I am often running around doing tasks that I can’t do with kids in tow. As hard as it is to balance everything and all the late nights, I would not want to miss my boys growing up, this time is so precious, and I am so lucky and grateful we make it work.


I want to thank you all, for all the support, I literally do a wee happy dance every time an order is placed & I cannot see that ever changing. It seriously means the world that you support our small business.

Hopefully, next year I will be able to pay myself a small wage 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Sheree x


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